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InterSystems IRIS for Health 2024.3
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Managing the OID Registry

The OID Registry maintains a list of object identifiers (OIDs). An OID is a globally unique ISO identifier. OIDs used in InterSystems products consist of numbers and dots, for example, OIDs use a tree structure where the leftmost number represents the root and the rightmost number represents a leaf.

OIDs can be used to identify:

  • Facilities

  • Gateways

  • Assigning authorities

  • Devices

  • Home communities

  • Coding systems

  • Repositories

You can obtain a root OID for your organization from a registration authority, like HL7. To obtain an OID for your InterSystems installation, go to ( in a new tab) and click the link “Click to Obtain or Register an OID.”

Once you acquire the root OID, you can design your own namespace subtree. ISC recommends planning out how you map this subtree. For compatibility with the DICOM standard, OIDs should not exceed 64 characters.

Adding or Modifying an OID

To add a new OID registry entry or modify an existing one:

  1. Log in to the Management Portal as a user with the %HS_Administrator role.

  2. Select the name of your Foundation namespace.

  3. Select Health > IHE Configuration > OID Registry.

  4. To add a new OID click Add OID, or to modify an existing OID click on the row for the OID in the table. Use the Identity Type drop-down above the table to filter the list of OIDs shown in the table.

  5. Enter the information for your OID and click Save. The settings are documented in the next section.

  6. If you are modifying OID settings for a running production that uses SDA-FHIR transformations, you must restart the HS.FHIR.DTL.Util.HC.SDA3.FHIR.Process and/or HS.FHIR.DTL.Util.HC.FHIR.SDA3.Process business processes.

OID Registry Settings

Enter the following settings in the OID registry:


Required. Enter the identity code for this OID. Two or more entries may use the same identity code as long as the OIDs are of different type. For example, an assigning authority and a home community may share an OID and use the same code.


Required: the OID value.


Optional: if you have more than one code that maps to this OID or URL, enter them here.


Required: the namespace URL for the given code.


Optionally enter a description for this OID entry.


Select one or more types for this OID from the drop-down. The options are:

  • Facility

  • Gateway

  • Assigning authority

  • Device

  • Home Community

  • Code System

  • Repository

Deleting an OID

To delete an existing OID registry entry:

  1. Log in to the Management Portal as a user with the %HS_Administrator role.

  2. Select the name of your Foundation namespace.

  3. Select Health > IHE Configuration > OID Registry.

  4. Click Add/Edit OIDs.

  5. Click on the row for the OID entry in the table. Use the Identity Type drop-down above the table to filter the list of OIDs shown in the table.

  6. Click Delete at the bottom of the screen.

  7. Click OK in the confirmation dialog box.

Importing OIDs from a File

You can import your OIDs from a file into your OID registry:

  1. Navigate to the OID Registry Import page:

    1. Log in to the Management Portal as a user with the %HS_Administrator role.

    2. Select the name of your Foundation namespace.

    3. Select Health > IHE Configuration > OID Registry.

    4. Click Import OIDs.

  2. Click Select File to identify the location of your import file. Your import file should contain one or more <OIDMap> entries in XML format as shown in the example below:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
              <Description>My Test Code System</Description>
              <Description>My Test Assigning Authority</Description>

    In the XML file:

    • The <Description> element (not the <OIDType><Description> element) is optional.

    • OID types appear twice:

      • once each in individual <OIDType> elements where the <Description> contains the type.

      • then together as a comma-separated list in the <Types> element.

Exporting OIDs to a File

You can export your OID registry, or a portion of it, to a file:

  1. Navigate to the OID Registry Export page:

    1. Log in to the Management Portal as a user with the %HS_Administrator role.

    2. Select the name of your Foundation namespace.

    3. Select Health > IHE Configuration > OID Registry.

    4. Click Export OIDs.

  2. Click Select Export Destination to identify the location of your export file. The default filename is OIDRegistryExport_YYYY-MM-DD.xml, for example OIDRegistryExport_2015-10-01.xml.

  3. Select the rows in the OID table that you wish to export and click Export Selected, or click Export All.

The export file is formatted as XML as shown in the previous section.

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