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InterSystems IRIS for Health 2024.3
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Defines a dimension in a Business Intelligence cube.


The <dimension> element has the following contents:

Attribute or Element Purpose
name, displayName, description, disabled See Common Attributes in a Cube.
sourceProperty, sourceExpression Specify one of these attributes in almost the same way that you would specify Property or Expression in the Architect; see Defining the Source Values for a Dimension or Level. Notes:
  • For sourceProperty, use the same value you would enter for Property, enclosed within single quotes.

    For example: sourceProperty='Age'

  • For soureExpression, use the same value you would enter for Expression, enclosed within single quotes.

    For example: sourceExpression='%source.property_"ABC"'

You can enclose the value in double quotes instead if the value itself does not contain any double quotes. For example: sourceExpression=""
type Specify one of the following:

calendar (Optional) Specify this only if type is "time". The calendar attribute specifies the calendar to use when assigning records into members of time levels. Use "gregorian" (the default) for the Gregorian calendar. Or use "hijriTabular" or "hijriObserved" for a Hijri calendar.
iKnowMeasure and iKnowType (Optional) See Using Text Analytics in Cubes.
hasAll (Optional) Indicates whether this dimension has an All Level. The default is "true".
allCaption (Optional) Name used for the All Level and All Member for this dimension. The default name is All dimension, where dimension is the dimension name.
allDisplayName (Optional) Specifies the localized name used for the All member. If you do not specify this attribute, the user interface instead displays the value specified by the allCaption attribute.
hidden (Optional) If hidden="true" then the dimension is defined and can be used in queries, but the Analyzer does not list the dimension as available for use. The default is "false".
showHierarchies (Optional) Controls whether the Analyzer displays the hierarchy names within this dimension. Specify one of the following:
  • "default" — Display the hierarchy names only if there is more than one hierarchy.

  • "true" — Always display the hierarchy names.

  • "false" — Never display the hierarchy names.

This attribute has no effect on the queries themselves.
sharesFrom (Optional) See Defining a Shared Dimension,. Do not specify this option for date dimensions, which are automatically shared.
dimensionClass (Optional) See Defining Computed Dimensions.
<hierarchy> Specifies a hierarchy within this dimension. You must include at least one <hierarchy> element and can include multiple <hierarchy> elements.
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