Get About
Get About lists the public API REST calls that are available.
Request Method and URL
GET /about
URL Parameters
"EndPoints": [
"GetAbout": "/about"
"GetServices": "/services"
"GetServicesByID": "/services/id/:DATA/:DATA/:DATA"
"GetFileByID": "/services/id/:DATA/:DATA/:DATA/file/:DATA"
"GetServicesByWord": "/services/includesword/:DATA"
"GetServicesModifiedSince": "/services/modifiedsince/:DATA"
"GetServicesByProtocols": "/services/protocols/:DATA"
"GetServicesByStages": "/services/stages/:DATA"
"GetServicesByVersion": "/services/version/:DATA"
"QueryParameters": [
"1-9 = indent with this number of spaces (4 is the default with the 'i' format specifier);
i - indent with 4 spaces unless 't' or 1-9;n - newline (lf);
t - indent with tab character;
u - output pre-converted to UTF-8 instead of in native internal format;
w - Windows-style cr/lf newline"
Sample Call