Creating REST Services
- Introduction to Creating REST Services
- Introduction to REST
- Introduction to InterSystems REST Services
- Introduction to InterSystems API Management Tools
- Overview of Creating REST Services
- A Closer Look at the REST Service Classes
- Enabling Logging for API Management Features
- Creating and Editing REST Services
- Modifying the Implementation Class
- Initial Method Definitions
- Implementing the Methods
- Exposing Details of Server Errors
- Modifying the Error Response
- Modifying the Specification Class
- Overview
- Overriding the Content Type or Input Stream Handling
- Overriding the Name of a Service Method
- Supporting CORS in REST Services
- Using Web Sessions with REST
- Securing REST Services
- Listing and Documenting REST APIs
- Using the /api/mgmnt Service to Discover REST Services
- Using the %REST.API Class to Discover REST Services
- Providing Documentation for a REST Service
- /api/mgmnt/ API Endpoints
- DELETE /api/mgmnt/v2/:namespace/:application/
- GET /api/mgmnt/
- GET /api/mgmnt/v1/:namespace/restapps
- GET /api/mgmnt/v1/:namespace/spec/:application/
- GET /api/mgmnt/v2/
- GET /api/mgmnt/v2/:namespace/
- GET /api/mgmnt/v2/:namespace/:application/
- POST /api/mgmnt/v2/:namespace/:application
- OpenAPI Properties in Use
- Creating a REST Service Manually