InterSystems IRIS for Health Release Notes
- New in InterSystems IRIS for Health 2024.3
- Release Information for 2024.3
- Healthcare Interoperability
- Enhancing Developer Experience
- Enhancing Analytics and AI
- Enhancing SQL and Data Management
- Enhancing Speed, Scale, and Security
- Platform Updates
- New in InterSystems IRIS for Health 2024.2
- Release Information for 2024.2
- Healthcare Interoperability
- Enhancing Developer Experience
- Enhancing Analytics and AI
- Enhancing Cloud and Operations
- Enhancing Speed, Scale and Security
- Platform Updates
- New in InterSystems IRIS for Health 2024.1
- Release Information for 2024.1
- Healthcare Interoperability
- Enhancing Developer Experience
- Enhancing Analytics and AI
- Enhancing Speed, Scale and Security
- Platform Updates
- New in InterSystems IRIS for Health 2023.3
- Enhancing Analytics and AI
- Enhancing Cloud and Operations
- Enhancing Speed, Scale, and Security
- Platform Updates
- Healthcare Interoperability
- Other Enhancements and Efficiency Improvements
- New in InterSystems IRIS for Health 2023.2
- Release Information for 2023.2
- Private Web Server (PWS)
- Enhancing Developer Experience
- Enhancing Analytics and AI
- Enhancing Speed, Scale, and Security
- Interoperability and FHIR
- New in InterSystems IRIS for Health 2023.1
- Release Information for 2023.1
- Enhancing Analytics and AI
- Interoperability and FHIR
- Enhancing Speed, Scale and Security
- Platform Updates
- New in InterSystems IRIS for Health 2022.3
- Enhancing Developer Experience
- Enhancing Analytics and AI
- Enhancing Speed, Scale and Security
- Platform Updates
- New in InterSystems IRIS for Health 2022.2
- New in InterSystems IRIS for Health 2022.1
- Release Information for 2022.1
- Enhancing Developer Experience
- Enhancing Analytics and AI
- Enhancing Cloud and Operations
- Enhancing Speed, Scale, and Security
- Other Enhancements and Efficiency Improvements
- New in InterSystems IRIS for Health 2021.2
- Enhancing Developer Experience
- Enhancing Analytics and AI
- Enhancing Cloud and Operations
- Enhancing Speed, Scale, and Security
- New Platforms for Continuous Delivery Releases of InterSystems IRIS for Health
- Other Enhancements and Efficiency Improvements
- New in InterSystems IRIS for Health 2021.1
- Release Information for 2021.1
- Enhancing Health Capabilities
- Enhancing Analytics
- Enhancing Interoperability
- Enhancing the Developer Experience
- IntegratedML Machine Learning
- Enhancing Operations
- Block-level Compression Reduces the Overall Storage Footprint (Experimental Feature)
- Other Enhancements and Efficiency Improvements
- New in InterSystems IRIS for Health 2020.1
- Continuous Delivery Releases of InterSystems IRIS for Health
- Healthcare Interoperability
- API Management
- In-Place Conversion from Caché, Ensemble, and Health Connect
- InterSystems Reports
- Client Language Enhancements
- New Look in the Management Portal
- SQL Enhancements
- Interoperability Production Enhancements
- Sharding Enhancements
- Infrastructure and Cloud Deployment Improvements
- New Automatic Configuration Customization
- Analytics Enhancements
- Natural Language Processing Enhancements
- Improved Performance and Scalability of the Database
- Other Enhancements and Efficiency Improvements
- New in InterSystems IRIS for Health 2019.1
- Extended Maintenance and Continuous Delivery Releases of InterSystems IRIS for Health
- Healthcare Interoperability
- System Interoperability Enhancements
- InterSystems Cloud Manager Enhancements
- Client Languages Enhancements
- Improved Scalability and Operations for Sharded Clusters
- SQL Enhancements
- Analytics Enhancements
- System Performance and Capabilities
- New Features in 2019.1.1 Release
- Special Considerations When Upgrading
- MPRLLIB Database
- New “Configure Secure Communication” Option in the Installer Wizard
- irisstop.exe Removed on Upgrade
- Recompile Classes Featuring Properties with MAXLEN=""
- External Language Gateway Configurations
- Durable %SYS
- Known Issues and Notes
- Deprecated and Discontinued Features
- About Deprecated and Discontinued Technologies and Features
- System Alerting and Monitoring
- Studio
- Public Key Infrastructure
- InterSystems Cloud Manager
- InterSystems IRIS Natural Language Processing
- Private Web Server (PWS)
- Studio
- Unstructured Information Management Architecture (UIMA) Integration
- Spark Connector
- Atelier
- Shadowing
- Zen
- Zen Reports