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InterSystems IRIS for Health 2024.3
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Packages (Tools/APIs)

Work with packages programmatically (compile, export, delete, and so on); configure mappings.

Background Information

A package is the initial part of a full class name. Packages group related classes so that you can more easily avoid name conflicts; there are other benefits as well. For more information, see Packages.

You can define package mappings so that you can access code in a non-default location; see Configuring Namespaces. Typically you do this within the Management Portal.

Available Tools

Provides the following methods that you can use with packages:

  • CompilePackage()

  • DeletePackage()

  • Export()

  • ExportJavaPackage()

  • ExportPackage()

  • ExportPackageToStream()

  • ExportToStream()

  • GetPackageList()

Availability: All namespaces.

Represents the package information used by the class compiler. This class provides the following methods:

  • Exists()

  • LockItem()

Availability: All namespaces.

Enables you to modify and obtain information about the [] section of the CPF, which defines package mappings. (Note that you usually perform this configuration via the Management Portal, as noted above.)

The class also provides the List() and ListPackages() class queries.

The class documentation includes examples and details.

Availability: %SYS namespace.

%Installer.ManifestOpens in a new tab class and other classes in the %Installer package

Enable you to define and use an installation manifest. Among other tasks, you can configure package mappings.

Availability: All namespaces.


The special variable $SYSTEM is bound to the %SYSTEM package. This means that instead of ##class(%SYSTEM.class).method(), you can use $SYSTEM.class.method().

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