Where a is a comma delimited list of SQL administrative privileges to grant.
Where b is a comma delimited list of users or roles.
Where c is the desired Namespace.
Where d is 0/1 for the WITH ADMIN OPTION.
GrantAdminPrivilege lets you grant an SQL administrative privilege to users or roles via this call. InterSystems IRIS® grants the privileges when processing the [Actions] section during a configuration merge. During the merge, InterSystems IRIS changes to the provided namespace and executes a GRANT (SQL) command to grant the administrative privileges defined by GrantAdminPrivilege.
Changing this Operation
This operation is designed to be used during a configuration merge. You can change GrantAdminPrivilege by editing the merge file in a text editor (as described in Editing the Active CPF).
See GRANT (SQL) for information on the SQL command.