This macro preprocessor directive begins a comment section that is part of an include file. By default, comments in an include file do not appear within the calling code. Hence, include file comments outside the #show—#noshow bracket do not appear in the referencing code.
The directive has the form:
It is strongly recommended that every #show have a corresponding #noshow, even when the comment section continues to the end of the file.
In the following example, the file OS.inc (from the #include example) includes the following comments:
// If compilation fails, check the file
// OS-errors.log for the statement "No valid OS."
// Valid values for the operating system are
// Windows or UNIX (and are case-sensitive).
where the first two lines of comments (starting with If compilation fails...) appear in the code that includes the include file and the second two lines of comments (starting with Valid values...) appear only in the include file itself.