This macro preprocessor directive makes the remaining part of the current line a comment that does not appear in .int code. The comment appears only in either .mac code or in an include file. The ##; comment indicator should always be used for comments in a preprocessor directive:
#define alphalen ##function($LENGTH("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")) ##; + 100
WRITE $$$alphalen," is the length of the alphabet"
A ##; comment indicator can appear in a #define, #def1arg, or #dim preprocessor directive. It cannot be used following a ##continue preprocessor directive. Use of // or ; remainder-of-the-line comments should be avoided in preprocessor directives.
##; may also be used anywhere in an ObjectScript code line or an Embedded SQL code line to specify a comment that does not appear in .int code. The comment continues for the remainder of the current line.
##; is evaluated before evaluation of Embedded HTML or Embedded JavaScript.
Compare with #;, which appears in column 1 and makes an entire line a comment. ##; makes the rest of the current line a comment. When ##; appears in the first column of the line, it is functionally identical to the #; preprocessor directive.