Not And (NAND) ('&)
The Not And operator reverses the truth value of the & And applied to both operands. It produces a value of TRUE (1) when either or both operands are false. It produces a value of FALSE when both operands are TRUE.
The && And operator cannot be prefixed with a Not operator: the format '&& is not supported. However, the following format is supported:
'(operand && operand)
The following example performs two equivalent Not And operations. Each evaluates one FALSE (0) and one TRUE (1) operand and produces a value of TRUE (1).
SET A=0,B=1
WRITE !,A'&B // Returns 1
WRITE !,'(A&B) // Returns 1
The following example performs a Not And operation by performing a && And operation and then using a Not to invert the result. The && operation tests the first operand and, because the boolean value is FALSE (0), && does not test the second operand. The Not inverts the resulting boolean value, so that the expression returns TRUE (1):
WRITE !,'(A&&B) // Returns 1