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演算子 演算
= 等しい
> より大きい
< より小さい
>= 以上
<= 以下
演算子 演算
&& And - すべての条件が True の場合にのみ True を返します。
|| Or - 条件の 1 つ以上が True の場合に True を返します。
' Not - 条件の逆を返します。



VS Code - ObjectScript

/// examples for ObjectScript Tutorial
Class ObjectScript.Examples

/// demos of many Ifs
ClassMethod If()
    set x = 5, y = 0, z = -5
    if (x = 5) {write !, "x is equal to 5"} else {write !, "false"}
    if (x = 10) {write !, "x is equal to 10"} else {write !, "false"}
    if (x < y) {write !, "x is less than y"} else {write !, "false"}
    if (x > y) {write !, "x is greater than y"} else {write !, "false"}
    write !
    if (##class(%SYSTEM.Util).NumberOfCPUs() > 2) {write !, "there are more than 2 CPUs"} else {write !, "false"}
    if (x > $zsqr(64)) {write !, "x is greater than square root of 64"} else {write !, "false"}
    write !
    if (x && y) {write !, "both x and y are true (non-zero)"} else {write !, "false"}
    if (x && z) {write !, "both x and z are true (non-zero)"} else {write !, "false"}
    if (x && y && z) {write !, "x, y, and z are all true (non-zero)"} else {write !, "false"}
    if (x || y || z) {write !, "at least one of x, y, or z is true (non-zero)"} else {write !, "false"}
    write !
    if ((x > y) || (y < z)) {write !, "either x is greater than y OR y is less than z"} else {write !, "false"}
    if (x > y || y < z) {write !, "without proper parentheses, this expression is false"} else {write !, "false"}
    if ((x > y) && (z < y)) {write !, "x is greater than y AND z is less than y"} else {write !, "false"}
    if (x > y && z < y) {write !, "without proper parentheses, this expression is also false"} else {write !, "false"}
    write !
    if 'x {write !, "x is not true (zero)"} else {write !, "false"}
    if 'y {write !, "y is not true (zero)"} else {write !, "false"}
    if (x '< y) {write !, "x is not less than y"} else {write !, "false"}
    if '(x < y) {write !, "x is not less than y"} else {write !, "false"}

USER>do ##class(ObjectScript.Examples).If()

x is equal to 5
x is greater than y

there are more than 2 CPUs

both x and z are true (non-zero)
at least one of x, y, or z is true (non-zero)

either x is greater than y OR y is less than z
x is greater than y AND z is less than y

y is not true (zero)
x is not less than y
x is not less than y
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