Developing BPL Processes
- Introduction to BPL Processes
- Listing the Business Processes
- Creating a New BPL Business Process
- Editing a BPL Business Process
- BPL Designer Toolbar
- BPL Diagram
- Adding Activities to a BPL Diagram
- BPL Designer Property Tabs
- See Also
- Variables Available in BPL (Execution Context)
- Introduction
- The context Object
- The request Object
- The response Object
- The callrequest Object
- The callresponse Object
- The syncresponses Collection
- The synctimedout Value
- The status Value
- The process Object
- BPL Syntax Rules
- List of BPL Elements
- Business Process
- Execution Context
- Control Flow
- Messaging
- Scheduling
- Rules and Decisions
- Data Manipulation
- User-written Code
- Logging
- Error Handling
- Handling Errors in BPL
- System Error with No Fault Handling
- System Error with Catchall
- Thrown Fault with Catchall
- Thrown Fault with Catch
- Nested Scopes, Inner Fault Handler Has Catchall
- Nested Scopes, Outer Fault Handler Has Catchall
- Nested Scopes, No Match in Either Scope
- Nested Scopes, Outer Fault Handler Has Catch
- Thrown Fault with Compensation Handler
- BPL Business Process Example