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InterSystems IRIS Data Platform 2024.3
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Configuring the Production to Use MFT Services

After completing the prerequisites, modify the production to include MFT business hosts as needed. This topic describes how to do this.

Enabling a Production to Retrieve Files

To enable a production to retrieve files from an MFT service:

  1. From the Production Configuration page, add a business service based on the class EnsLib.MFT.Service.PassthroughOpens in a new tab.

  2. Configure the following items for this business service:

    • MFT Connection Name—Specifies the MFT connection to use.

    • MFT Source Folders—Specifies the top-level sending directory at the MFT service, such as /Outgoing

    • Files to Retrieve—Optionally specifies a regular expression for the names (types) of files to retrieve. An empty value means all files.

    • Include Sub Folders—Specifies whether the production should recursively examine all subfolders.

    • Delete From Server—Specifies whether items successfully imported from the MFT service should be removed from there after completion. The options are:

      • No—Default value. Do not remove the item. Only keep track of the last date and time of import.

      • Trash—Causes the MFT service to delete the item. In this case, the MFT service moves the item to a trash folder where it places all deleted items. Depending on the MFT service, items in this trash folder may be recoverable manually for a period of time, so consult the documentation for the MFT service for specifics.

      • Permanent—Causes the MFT service to permanently delete the items that have been successfully received by the production.

    • Find ModifiedBy Username—Specifies whether the production should also retrieve the user who last modified the file at the MFT service.

    • Call Interval—Specifies how frequently (in seconds) the production should check for new files. The default value is 5 seconds.

    • Target Config Names—Specifies a comma-separated list of business hosts to which this business service should send information.

    For information on other settings, see Settings for the File Inbound Adapter

Enabling a Production to Send Files

To enable a production to send files to an MFT service:

  1. From the Production Configuration page, add a business operation based on the class EnsLib.MFT.Operation.PassthroughOpens in a new tab.

  2. Configure the following items for this business operation:

    • MFT Connection Name—Specifies the MFT connection to use.

    • Default MFT Folder—Specifies the top-level receiving directory at the MFT service, such as /Incoming

    • Default Filename Specification—Specifies an optional template for creating the name of the received file. See the method Ens.Util.File.CreateTimestamp() for documentation of the various options.

    • Overwrite—Specifies whether to overwrite any existing file with the same name as the one currently being sent. Some MFT services may automatically change the name of an incoming file to include a timestamp; in this case, the Overwrite may have no effect.

    For information on other settings, see Settings for the File Outbound Adapter.

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