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InterSystems IRIS Data Platform 2024.3
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To enable Java developers to leverage the scalability, connectivity, and reliability of the InterSystems IRIS® data platform, InterSystems IRIS supports several types of connections to and from Java applications.

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InterSystems Java Connectivity Options

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Using Java with InterSystems Software

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Experience Java and InterSystems IRISOpens in a new tab

Designing a Java Connection StrategyOpens in a new tab

Connect a Java application to InterSystems IRIS

JDBC API for relational access

The JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) API enables you to perform operations on InterSystems IRIS® data using SQL.

InterSystems IRIS includes a high-performance Type 4 JDBC database driver that complies with the JDBC 4.2 specification. The driver accepts the following connection URL (or connection string):


where the variables represent the InterSystems IRIS instance host’s IP address, the instance’s superserver port, and a namespace on the instance

Using JDBC with InterSystems IRISOpens in a new tab

InterSystems IRIS Basics: JDBC and InterSystems Databases

Using the JDBC Driver

JDBC API ReferenceOpens in a new tab

JDBC documentationOpens in a new tab

XEP API for high-speed object access

The XEP (Express Event Persistence) API provided by InterSystems enables Java applications to store and retrieve objects that adhere to simple or moderately complex schemas from InterSystems IRIS®. More specifically, XEP projects Java objects as persistent events, which are persistent database objects that store the state of Java objects.

XEP is optimized for applications that must handle high throughput, such as transaction processing applications.If you use XEP for object persistence, you can avoid the overheard of object-relational mapping.

Demo: XEP Object Persistence with InterSystems IRIS

Using XEP with Java ApplicationsOpens in a new tab

Persisting Java Objects with InterSystems XEP

Java XEP API ReferenceOpens in a new tab

InterSystems Native SDK for Java

The InterSystems IRIS® Native SDK for Java is a lightweight interface that allows Java applications to access powerful InterSystems IRIS resources formerly available only through ObjectScript:


To use the Native SDK for Java, you must download the Java connection package as described in Connection ToolsOpens in a new tab.

Native SDKs are also available for Python, .NET, and Node.js.

Read all about it

Using the InterSystems Native SDK for Java

Java Native SDK Reference DocOpens in a new tab

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Java IDEs

Stock Trading with JavaOpens in a new tab

Hibernate API for complex object data models

The Hibernate API is a third-party tool that maps complex Java data classes to InterSystems IRIS®. InterSystems IRIS includes a Hibernate dialect.

Using Hibernate with InterSystems IRISOpens in a new tab

Hibernate Support

Connect InterSystems IRIS to an external application

Using InterSystems External Servers

For instantiating external Java objects and manipulating them like native objects in InterSystems IRIS

Using the InterSystems SQL Gateway

For connecting to external databases via JDBC

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Stock Trading with JavaOpens in a new tab

Using a Java Shared Memory ConnectionOpens in a new tab

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