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InterSystems IRIS Data Platform 2024.3
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Upgrading ECP Configurations

In general, ECP application servers should be upgraded before the data servers they connect to. Application servers must have either local routines databases to recompile following upgrade or access to “precompiled” routines database (previously recompiled on a separate system running the target InterSystems IRIS version) on the data server.

Downtime can be minimized using rolling upgrades with users connecting to both upgraded and unupgraded application servers as well as the database server if one of the following is true:

  • There are no application changes.

  • There are application changes, but the new code does not generate any new data structures, meaning that old code can work with data generated by new code.

If the new application code can work against old data, but can generate new data structures not understood by the old code, follow this procedure:

  1. Upgrade the application servers on a rolling basis, but do not allow users to connect to an application server once it is upgraded. (Application server capacity is gradually reduced.)

  2. When enough application servers have been upgraded, restore user access to the upgraded application servers and end all user connections to the remaining (not upgraded) application servers and the data server (if need be), ensuring that users have no access to these systems until you enable it.

  3. Upgrade the remaining application servers, restoring user access to each application server after it is upgraded.

  4. Upgrade the data server and restore user access as needed. (Upgrading the data server causes a pause in application activity, the length of which depends on the amount of downtime involved in the upgrade.)

If you have questions or concerns about how to upgrade your ECP configuration, please contact InterSystems Worldwide Customer Support (WRC)Opens in a new tab.

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