Method Syntax and Keywords
This reference describes the syntax and keywords that apply to a method.
- Syntax of Methods in Class Definitions – Describes the structure of a method definition.
- Abstract – Specifies whether this is an abstract method.
- ClientName – Overrides the default name for the method in client projections.
- CodeMode – Specifies how this method is implemented.
- Deprecated – Specifies that this method is deprecated. This keyword is ignored by the class compiler and merely provides a human-readable indicator that the method is deprecated.
- ExternalProcName – Specifies the name of this method when it is used as a stored procedure in a foreign database. Applies only if the method is projected as a stored procedure.
- Final – Specifies whether this method is final (cannot be overridden in subclasses).
- ForceGenerate – Specifies whether the method should be compiled in every subclass. Applies only if the method is a method generator.
- GenerateAfter – Specifies when to generate this method. Applies only if the method is a method generator.
- Internal – Specifies whether this method definition is internal (not displayed in the class documentation).
- Language – Specifies the language used to implement this method.
- NotInheritable – Specifies whether this method can be inherited in subclasses.
- PlaceAfter – Specifies the order of this method, relative to other methods, in the routine that is generated for the class.
- Private – Specifies whether this method is private (can be invoked only by methods of this class or its subclasses).
- ProcedureBlock – Specifies whether this method is a procedure block. Applies only if the method is written in ObjectScript.
- PublicList – Specifies the public variables for this method. Applies only if the method is written in ObjectScript and is a procedure block.
- Requires – Specifies a list of privileges a user or process must have to call this method.
- ReturnResultsets – Specifies whether this method returns result sets (so that ODBC and JDBC clients can retrieve them).
- ServerOnly – Specifies whether this method will be projected to a Java client.
- SoapAction – Specifies the SOAP action to use in the HTTP header when invoking this method as a web method via HTTP. Applies only in a class that is defined as a web service or web client.
- SoapBindingStyle – Specifies the binding style or SOAP invocation mechanism used by this method, when it is used as a web method. Applies only in a class that is defined as a web service or web client.
- SoapBodyUse – Specifies the encoding used by the inputs and outputs of this method, when it is used as a web method. Applies only in a class that is defined as a web service or web client.
- SoapMessageName – Specifies the name attribute of the <part> element of the response message for this web method. Applies only in a class that is defined as a web service or web client.
- SoapNameSpace – Specifies the XML namespace used by a web method. Applies only in a class that is defined as a web service or web client.
- SoapRequestMessage – Use this when multiple web methods have the same SoapAction. This keyword specifies the name of the top element in the SOAP body of the request message, in the default scenario. Applies only in a class that is defined as a web service or web client.
- SoapTypeNameSpace – Specifies the XML namespace for the types used by this web method. Applies only in a class that is defined as a web service or web client.
- SqlName – Overrides the default name of the projected SQL stored procedure. Applies only if this method is projected as an SQL stored procedure.
- SqlProc – Specifies whether the method can be invoked as an SQL stored procedure. Only class methods (not instance methods) can be called as SQL stored procedures.
- WebMethod – Specifies whether this method is a web method. Applies only in a class that is defined as a web service or web client.