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InterSystems IRIS Data Platform 2024.3
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SQL Predicate Conditions

  • Overview of Predicates – Describes logical conditions that evaluate to either true or false.
  • ALL – Matches a value with all corresponding values from a subquery.
  • ANY – Matches a value with at least one matching value from a subquery.
  • BETWEEN – Matches a value to a range of values.
  • EXISTS – Checks for the existence of a given object.
  • %FIND – Matches a value to a set of generated values with bitmap chunks iteration.
  • FOR SOME – Determines whether to return a record based on a condition test of field values.
  • FOR SOME %ELEMENT – Matches list element values or the number of list elements with a predicate.
  • IN – Matches a value to items in an unstructured comma-separated list.
  • %INLIST – Matches a value to the elements in a %List structured list.
  • %INSET – Matches a value to a set of generated values.
  • IS JSON – Determines if a data value is in JSON format.
  • IS NULL – Determines if a data value is NULL.
  • LIKE – Matches a value with a pattern string containing literals and wildcards.
  • %MATCHES – Matches a value with a pattern string containing literals, wildcards, and ranges.
  • %PATTERN – Matches a value with a pattern string containing literals, wildcards, and character type codes.
  • SOME – Matches a value with at least one matching value from a subquery.
  • %STARTSWITH – Matches a value with a substring specifying initial characters.
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