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Windows Unattended Installation

This page details the steps for unattended installations.

Make sure you have completed the following before performing the steps on this page:

Unattended Installation Overview


  • An unattended operation does not prompt the user for input; instead, it gets input from properties passed to the InterSystems IRIS installation file on the command line.

  • These properties are described in the Command Line Reference.

  • No messages are displayed during unattended installation, upgrade, reinstallation, or uninstallation.

Step 1: Before Beginning


Step 2: Determine Properties to Specify


  • You do not need to include any additional properties to perform a basic unattended installation. The installer will use the default options.


  • Review details on using command-line properties.

    • Use the form: PROPERTYNAME=argument.

    • Properties must be upper-case.

    • Arguments are not case-sensitive.

    • Each property must be separated by one or more spaces.

  • Refer to the table of Command-Line Properties available for unattended installations.

  • Make a note of any properties you will use for your unattended installation.

Step 3: Determine Features to Install


  • The ADDLOCAL property is used to determine which features to install.

  • If it is left blank, it defaults to ADDLOCAL=ALL which installs all features.

  • For a basic development environment, there is no need to include this property. All features will be installed.


  • Review details on specifying custom-installable features.

    • Use the ADDLOCAL property to specify which features to include.

    • Specify the featurename of a component group, followed by the featurename components within that group separated by a comma. Repeat this for each component group to create a comma-separated list.

  • Refer to the table of Custom-Installable Features available for installation.

Step 4: Create Installation Command


  • Use the following command:

    <path>\<installer>.exe /instance <instancename> /q{b|n} <properties>
  • Specify the following:

Variable Description
<path> The path to the InterSystems IRIS installation file.
<installer>.exe The name of the InterSystems IRIS installation file.
<instancename> The name for the new InterSystems IRIS instance. If omitted, the default value is IRIS, but you must specify a different value if there are one or more instances already installed on the machine.
/qb or /qn Whether to display a progress bar during the installation (/qb) or to perform a fully silent installation (/qn).
<properties> The properties to passing to the installer (see the Command-Line Properties table).


  • Replace <properties> with any properties you would like to include in the installation.

  • Use the ADDLOCAL property to specify which features you would like to install.


  • Install an instance of InterSystems IRIS with the default instance name in an installation directory named C:\InterSystems\MyIris on a 64–bit windows system:

    C:\downloads\IRIS-<version_number>-win_x64.exe /qn INSTALLDIR=C:\InterSystems\MyIris
  • Install an instance of InterSystems IRIS with the instance name IrisA:

    C:\downloads\IRIS-<version_number>-win_x64.exe /instance IrisA /qn
  • Install a subset of features using the ADDLOCAL property:

    C:\downloads\IRIS-<version_number>-win_x64.exe /qn ADDLOCAL=cube, server, server_user

Step 5: Install the Instance


  • Execute the command, including any properties, using a command-line interface.

  • Once the Installation finishes, proceed to Windows Post-Installation.