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InterSystems IRIS Data Platform 2024.3
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Viewing the I/O Archive for a Production

If you enable the Archive IO setting for one or more business service and business operations, InterSystems IRIS® archives the input and output data in addition to the production messages. The input and output data is shown in the Visual Trace window; see Tracing the Path of Related Messages.

You can also display the I/O archive by executing an SQL query as follows:

  1. In the Management Portal, click System Explorer, SQL, Execute SQL Statements, and then click OK.

  2. Choose the namespace where you want to execute the query from the list on the left.

  3. In the SQL Query box, type:

    SELECT * FROM Ens_Util.IOLog

    Where the table name identifies Ens.Util.IOLogOpens in a new tab or one of its subclasses. The choice of subclass depends on the type of data. Options include Ens.Util.IOLogFileOpens in a new tab, Ens.Util.IOLogObjOpens in a new tab, Ens.Util.IOLogStreamOpens in a new tab and Ens.Util.IOLogXMLObjOpens in a new tab.

  4. Click Execute Query. The results display in the bottom half of the page.

  5. If there are no results, or if the results do not match your expectations, check to see that you have enabled the Archive IO setting for the business service or business operation that you want to investigate.

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