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InterSystems IRIS Data Platform 2024.3
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Command Line Reference

Command-Line Properties

The Command-Line Properties table describes the InterSystems IRIS-specific unattended install properties that you can modify via the command-line interface. These can be used when performing an unattended installation or when launching an attended installation from the command line. The property name must be uppercase, but the arguments are not case-sensitive; each property must be separated by one or more spaces, and properties can be specified in any order as PROPERTYNAME=argument. For example:


In the following table, the REINSTALL and REMOVE properties are used with installed instances, as described in Running an Unattended Upgrade or Reinstall and Running an Unattended Removal, respectively.

Command-Line Properties
Property Name Description

Use this property to custom install a new instance of InterSystems IRIS with a subset of features or to omit optional databases (see the Custom-Installable Features table) by specifying a comma-separated list of featurenames together with their group names, as described in the example following this table.


In the absence of the ADDLOCAL property, or if ADDLOCAL=ALL is specified, all features are installed.

See also the REINSTALL property, for use with installed instances.


Optionally use this property to install IIS CSP binary files. With a value of 1, the files are installed without any changes to the IIS web server configuration. With a value of 0, the installer updates the IIS web server configuration regardless of the existence of the /csp virtual directory.


If the cspiis component is included, this property defaults to 0. When this property is set to 0, the installation will fail if a web server is not detected. If you don’t want the installer to automatically configure your web server, you should set this property to 1.


If the security level is Normal or LockedDown (see the INITIALSECURITY property in this table), optionally use this property to specify a password for the CSPSystem predefined user. If this property is omitted, the value of IRISUSERPASSWORD is used.


If the initial security level is None, do not use this property.


Optionally use this property to specify the level of security to be used by the instance being installed. Specify None, Normal, or LockedDown.


Omit this property to accept the default of LockedDown.



Optionally use this property to specify the directory in which the instance is to be installed.


If the property is omitted, the default installation directory is C:\InterSystems\IRISn, where n is {empty}, 1, 2, ... 127.


If installing with an installation manifest, as described in Using the Manifest in the appendix “Creating and Using an Installation Manifest”, you must use this property to specify the location of the installation manifest (that is, your exported manifest class).


If installing with an installation manifest, as described in Using the Manifest in the appendix “Creating and Using an Installation Manifest”, this property specifies where %Installer prints messages.


If installing with an installation manifest, optionally use this property to specify the log level of the setup() method of your installation manifest class. The default log level is 1.


If installing with an installation manifest, as described in Using the Manifest in the appendix “Creating and Using an Installation Manifest”, use this property to specify the name/value pairs (name=value) to be passed to the first argument of the setup() method of your installation manifest clas. This property can be used to modify the configuration parameter file (iris.cpf) and activate the changes before your manifest runs. You can specify these parameters:

  • bbsiz

  • globals4kb, globals8kb, globals16kb, globals32kb, globals64kb

  • gmheap

  • LibPath

  • locksiz

  • MaxServerConn

  • Path

  • routines

  • ZFSize, ZFString

For example:INSTALLERMANIFESTPARAMS="bbsiz=512000,globals4kb=20, globals8kb=30,globals16kb=40,globals32kb=50, globals64kb=100,routines=40,gmheap=10000, LibPath=c:\libpath\,locksiz=2179648,MaxServerConn=5, Path=c:\lib\,ZFSize=2000,ZFString=3000"

The following would be useful in installing and activating 100 MB of 64KB buffers before running a manifest that creates a 64kb block size database:INSTALLERMANIFESTPARAMS="globals64kb=100"

IRISSERVICEDOMAIN Required if the service credentials are defined as UserDefined; see the SERVICECREDENTIALS property in this table. Use this property to specify the domain of the Windows InterSystems service login account specified by IRISSERVICEUSER.

If the service credentials are specified as LocalSystem, do not use this property.


Required if the service credentials are defined as UserDefined; see the SERVICECREDENTIALS property in this table. Use this property to specify the password for the Windows InterSystems service account specified by IRISSERVICEUSER.


If the service credentials are specified as LocalSystem, do not use this property.


Required if the service credentials are defined as UserDefined; see the SERVICECREDENTIALS property in this table. Use this property to specify the username of the account under which to run the Windows InterSystems service.


If the service credentials are specified as LocalSystem, do not use this property.


Required if the security level is Normal or LockedDown; see the INITIALSECURITY property in this table. Use this property to specify the password for the predefined InterSystems IRIS accounts _SYSTEM, Admin, and SuperUser, as well as the account with the username specified by IRISSERVICEUSER if SERVICECREDENTIALS is specified as UserDefined.


If the initial security level is None, do not use this property.

ISCSTARTIRIS Optionally set this property to 0 to prevent InterSystems IRIS from starting after installation. The default is 1, to start InterSystems IRIS.
ISCSTARTLAUNCHER Optionally set this property to 0 to prevent the InterSystems IRIS launcher from being added to the system tray. The default is 1, to add the launcher.

Use this property to reinstall (repair) an installed instance of InterSystems IRIS or to change the custom-installed features (see the Custom-Installable Features table) for an installed instance of InterSystems IRIS:

  • To reinstall whatever features are currently installed for the instance—whether that is a custom-installed subset of features or all features—specify ALL.

  • To reinstall a subset of InterSystems IRIS features that is different from the subset of features currently installed, specify a comma-separated list of featurenames together with their group names (as described in the example following this table).

See also the ADDLOCAL property (for use with new instances) and REMOVE property (for uninstalling installed instances).


Use this property to uninstall (remove) an instance of InterSystems IRIS or a subset of custom-installed features (see the Custom-Installable Features table) installed for an installed instance of InterSystems IRIS:

  • To remove an instance of InterSystems IRIS, specify ALL.

  • To remove a subset of InterSystems IRIS features, specify a comma-separated list of featurename together with their group names (as described in the example following this table).

See also the ADDLOCAL (for new instances) and REMOVE properties in this table properties in this table.


If the security level is Normal or LockedDown (see the INITIALSECURITY property in this table), optionally use this property to specify the credentials under which the Windows InterSystems service runs: LocalSystem for the default local system account or UserDefined (an existing Windows user account). If you do not specify the property, the default of LocalSystem is used.


If the initial security level is None, do not use this property.

See Managing Access to the InterSystems IRIS Instance for important information about the InterSystems service account.

If you specify UserDefined for this property, you must also specify the IRISSERVICEDOMAIN, IRISSERVICEPASSWORD, and IRISSERVICEUSER properties.

SKIPUPGRADECHECK When upgrading an instance, set this property to 1 to bypass system pre-upgrade checking. The default is 0.

Generally, you should leave pre-upgrade checking enabled.


Optionally use this property to specify the Superserver port to be used by the instance being installed.


By default, this port is set to 1972 (if available). Otherwise, the port is set to 51773 or the first available subsequent number.


Optionally use this property to specify whether 8–bit or 16–bit Unicode characters are to be supported by the instance being installed. For 8–bit characters, specify 0; for 16–bit characters, specify 1.

If you omit this property, is 8–bit specified by default for all languages except Chinese, Korean and Japanese; 16–bit is specified by default for Chinese, Korean, and Japanese systems.

Custom-Installable Features

The Custom-Installable Features table lists component group/component names and the associated featurename for each. You can specify “ALL” (to specify all available features) or a comma-separated list (with no spaces) of feature names (to specify individual features).

To specify components in ADDLOCAL, REINSTALL, and REMOVE properties, specify the featurename of a component group, followed by the featurename of each specific component from that group that you want installed. For example, to install only the USER database include the following in the command line:


When specifying a component group, you must also specify at least one associated component; if no components are listed with a component group, the component group is ignored and no components are installed. For example, if you specify:


the server component group is ignored and no server components are installed. (This requirement does not apply to the cube group, as it has no components.)

Custom-Installable Features
Component Group (featurename) Components (featurename)

Development (development)

Callin (callin)

Callin, Threaded (callin_threaded)

Threaded Server Libraries (server_threaded)

Other Samples (other_samples)

Other Development Libraries (development_other)

Documentation (documentation)

PDF Documentation (documentation_pdf)

Online Documentation (documentation_online)

InterSystems IntegratedML (integratedml)


Launcher (cube)


Server (server)

User database (server_user)

SQL Gateway (sqlgateway)

Apache Formatting Objects Processor (fop)

Server monitoring tools (server_monitoring)

Agent Service (agent_service)

Database Drivers (sqltools)

ODBC (odbc)

JDBC (jdbc)

Web Gateway (cspgateway)

IIS (cspiis)

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