Deploying Productions
InterSystems IRIS® data platform provides a mechanism for deploying a production from a development system to a live system. Overview of Deploying a Production describes this process from the developer’s point of view. This page describes what InterSystems IRIS does when you are loading a new version of a production on a live system.
Redeploying a Live Production
The developer has provided you with an XML deployment package file that contains an updated version of your production. This deployment package should be deployed to a test system before deploying it to the live system. To load it on the live system, select the correct namespace and select Interoperability, Manage, Deployment Changes, Deploy, and then click the Open Deployment or Open Local Deployment button, depending on whether the XML deployment package is located on the server or on the local machine. The Open Local Deployment button is not active if you are on the server machine. After you select the XML deployment package file, the form lists the new and changed items in the deployment package and displays the deployment notes that were specified when the package was created.

You can specify the following deployment settings:
Target production—specifies the production that the components will be added to. If the deployment package includes the production class from the source production, then the target production is set to the source production and cannot be changed. Otherwise, InterSystems IRIS sets the default production to the currently open production, but allows you to change it.
Rollback file—specifies the file to contain the rollback information.
Deployment log file—contains a log of the changes caused by the deployment.
When you have read the deployment notes and made any changes to the deployment settings, complete the deployment by clicking the Deploy button. InterSystems IRIS does the following to stop the production, load the new code, and then restart the production.
Create and save the rollback package.
Disable the components in the production that have a production settings (ptd) file in the deployment package.
Import the XML file and compile the code. If there is an error compiling any component, the entire deployment is rolled back.
Update the production settings.
Write a log detailing the deployment.
Enable the production components that were disabled if their current setting specify that they are enabled.
To undo the results of this deployment change, use the Open Deployment button to select the rollback file, then click the Deploy button.
Using the Import classes button on the Management Portal System Explorer automatically compiles the classes, but it does not create a rollback package and disable the components.
Displaying the Deployment History
You can view the deployment history of the productions in a namespace. To view the deployment history, select Interoperability, Manage, Deployment Changes, and History.

After you select one of the listed deployments, you can click Details to display information about the deployment, Rollback to undo the deployment changes, or Delete to delete the deployment history. Deleting the deployment history does not delete the rollback or log files.