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InterSystems IRIS Data Platform 2024.3
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Break out of a loop and exit the loop activity.



Attributes and Elements

name, disabled, xpos, ypos, xend, yend attributes


BPL syntax permits any element that can contain a sequence of activities—<case>, <default>, <foreach>, <false>, <sequence>, <true>, <until>, or <while>—to contain a <break> element if desired.

The <break> element allows the flow of control to exit a loop immediately without completing any more of the operations inside the containing loop. For example:

<while condition="0">

  // various things...

  <if condition="somecondition">

  // various other things...


In the above example, it is the <true> element that contains the <break> element. However, the loop affected by this <break> is actually the containing <while> loop.

The example works as follows: If on some pass through this loop, the <if> element finds “somecondition” to be true (that is, equal to the integer value 1) then the flow of control passes to the <true> element inside the <if>. Upon encountering the <break> element, execution immediately exits the containing <while> loop and proceeds to the next statement following the </while>.

Loop activities that you might want to modify by using a <break> element include <foreach>, <until>, and <while>.


BPL business process code can initiate a sudden, but graceful exit by setting the business process execution context variable status to a failure value using an <assign> or <code> statement.

See Also

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