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Calling Adapter Methods from the Business Operation

Calling Adapter Methods from the Business Operation

Your business operation class can use the following instance methods of EnsLib.File.OutboundAdapterOpens in a new tab.

ClassMethod CreateTimestamp(pFilename As %String = "",
                            pSpec As %String = "_%C") As %String

Using the pFilename string as a starting point, incorporate the time stamp specifier provided in pSpec and return the resulting string. The default time stamp specifier is _%C which provides the full date and time down to the millisecond.

For full details about time stamp conventions, see Time Stamp Specifications for Filenames.

Method Delete(pFilename As %String) As %Status

Deletes the file.

Method Exists(pFilename As %String) As %Boolean

Returns 1 (True) if the file exists, 0 (False) if it does not.

Method GetStream(pFilename As %String,
                 ByRef pStream As %AbstractStream = {$$$NULLOREF})
                 As %Status

Gets a stream from the file.

Method NameList(Output pFileList As %ListOfDataTypes,
                pWildcards As %String = "*",
                pIncludeDirs As %Boolean = 0) As %Status

Get a list of files in the directory specified by the FilePath setting. The filenames are returned in a %ListOfDataTypesOpens in a new tab object. Each entry in the list is a semicolon-separated string containing:


Method PutLine(pFilename As %String, pLine As %String) As %Status

Writes a string to the file and appends to the string the characters specified in the LineTerminator property. By default, the LineTerminator is a carriage return followed by a line feed (ASCII 13, ASCII 10).

If your operating system requires a different value for the LineTerminator property, set the value in the OnInit() method of the business operation. For example:

 Method OnInit() As %Status
      Set ..Adapter.LineTerminator="$C(10)"
      Quit $$$OK

You can also make the property value to be dependent on the operating system:

 Set ..Adapter.LineTerminator="$Select($$$isUNIX:$C(10),1:$C(13,10))"

Method PutString(pFilename As %String, pData As %String) As %Status

Writes a string to the file.

Method PutStream(pFilename As %String,
                 pStream As %Stream,
                 ByRef pLen As %Integer = -1) As %Status

Writes a stream to the file.

Method Rename(pFilename As %String,
              pNewFilename As %String,
              pNewPath As %String = "") As %Status

Renames the file in the current path or moves it to the path specified by pNewPath.

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