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Where InterSystems IRIS Stores Temporary Production Data

Where InterSystems IRIS Stores Temporary Production Data

While a production is running, InterSystems IRIS creates temporary data. This data is deleted when the production is stopped. While you can typically ignore temporary data, you may find it useful for recovering from an error condition.

When you create a new namespace with the following options enabled, InterSystems IRIS creates an additional, non-journaled database for temporary data:

  • The default database for Globals in this namespace is a Local Database

  • Enable namespace for interoperability productions


InterSystems IRIS never creates databases for temporary data for the USER namespace.

InterSystems IRIS for Health and HealthShare do not create databases for temporary data by default. You can call the createNewDBForEnsTemp() method of the %Library.EnsembleMgrOpens in a new tab class to create them as needed.

The database for namespace-level temporary data is separate from the IRISTEMP database and contains the following globals:

  • ^IRIS.Temp.EnsRuntimeAppData—Includes the temporary data required to run the production.

  • ^IRIS.Temp.EnsJobStatus—Includes an entry each time a production is started, which is removed when a production is stopped.

  • ^IRIS.Temp.EnsMetrics—Includes production metrics similar to the metrics displayed by the production monitor.

The database for temporary data appears in a subdirectory of the directory that contains the default database for globals. Both the temporary data database and corresponding subdirectory are named by appending ENSTEMP to the name of the default database for globals. For example, if the default database for globals is named LABS, then the temporary database and corresponding subdirectory are named LABSENSTEMP.

InterSystems IRIS protects the database with the same resource that protect the default database for globals.

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