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Handling SOAP Faults and Other Errors in an InterSystems IRIS Web Client

Handling SOAP Faults and Other Errors in an InterSystems IRIS Web Client

In an InterSystems IRIS web client, you can use the TRY-CATCH mechanism or the older $ZTRAP mechanism.

In either case, when an InterSystems IRIS web client receives an error, InterSystems IRIS sets the special variables $ZERROR and %objlasterror:

  • If the error is a SOAP fault, the value of $ZERROR starts with <ZSOAP>, and %objlasterror contains the status error that is formed from the received SOAP fault.

    In addition, the client instance has a property named SoapFault, which is an instance of %SOAP.FaultOpens in a new tab or %SOAP.Fault12Opens in a new tab (depending on the SOAP version used in the web service). You can use the information in this property. For more information on %SOAP.FaultOpens in a new tab and %SOAP.Fault12Opens in a new tab, see the previous sections.

  • If the error is not a SOAP fault, use your normal error handling (typically using $ZERROR). It is your responsibility to specify how to proceed.

Example 1: Try-Catch

The following method uses TRY-CATCH:

ClassMethod Divide(arg1 As %Numeric, arg2 As %Numeric) As %Numeric
    Set $ZERROR=""
    Set client=##class(FaultClient.DivideSoap).%New()

    Try {
        Set ans=client.Divide(arg1,arg2)
    Catch {
        If $ZERROR["<ZSOAP>" {
            Set ans=%objlasterror
            Else {
            Set ans=$$$ERROR($$$ObjectScriptError,$ZERROR)
    Quit ans

This method uses system macros defined in the %systemInclude include file, so the class that contains this method starts with the following:

Include %systemInclude 

Example 2: $ZTRAP

The following example uses the older $ZTRAP mechanism. In this case, when an InterSystems IRIS web client receives an error, control is transferred to the label indicated by the $ZTRAP special variable (if that label is defined).

ClassMethod DivideWithZTRAP(arg1 As %Numeric = 1, arg2 As %Numeric = 2) As %Numeric
    Set $ZERROR=""
    Set client=##class(FaultClient.DivideSoap).%New()
    Set ans=client.Divide(arg1,arg2)
    Quit ans
    //control goes here in case of error
    if $ZERROR["<ZSOAP>" 
         quit client.SoapFault.Detail
        quit %objlasterror

SSL Handshake Errors

If an InterSystems IRIS web client uses an SSL connection and a SSL handshake error has occurred, then the SSLError property of the client contains text that describes the SSL error.

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