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InterSystems IRIS Data Platform 2024.3
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Property Syntax and Keywords

This reference describes the syntax and keywords that apply to a property, which you can define in object classes. Keywords (also known as class attributes) generally affect the compiler.

See Property Definitions for links to general information on defining properties.

See the Table of Contents for a complete list of structures and keywords that apply to specific class members.

  • Syntax of Properties in Class Definitions – Describes the structure of a property definition. Note that a relationship is a property. See Property Definitions for links to general information on defining properties.
  • Aliases – Specifies additional names for this property for use via object access.
  • Calculated – Specifies that this property has no in-memory storage allocated for it when the object containing it is instantiated.
  • Cardinality – Specifies the cardinality of this relationship property. Required for relationship properties. Not used for other properties.
  • ClientName – Specifies an alias used by client projections of this property.
  • Collection – Deprecated means of specifying the collection type of a collection property. Do not use.
  • ComputeLocalOnly – Controls whether a SqlComputed field is computed only on the local server for federated and shareded tables.
  • Deprecated – Specifies that this property is deprecated. This keyword is ignored by the class compiler and merely provides a human-readable indicator that the property is deprecated.
  • Final – Specifies whether this property is final (cannot be overridden in subclasses).
  • Identity – Specifies whether this property corresponds to the identity column in the corresponding SQL table. Applies to persistent classes.
  • InitialExpression – Specifies an initial value for this property.
  • Internal – Specifies whether this property definition is internal (not displayed in the class documentation). .
  • Inverse – Specifies the inverse side of this relationship. Required for relationship properties. Not used for other properties.
  • MultiDimensional – Specifies that this property has the characteristics of a multidimensional array.
  • OnDelete – Specifies the action to take in the current table when a related object is deleted. This keyword applies only to a relationship property that specifies Cardinality as Parent or One. Its use is invalid in all other contexts.
  • Private – Specifies whether the property is private (can be used only by methods of this class or its subclasses).
  • ReadOnly – Specifies that a property is read-only, which limits the number of ways its value can be set.
  • Required – For a persistent class, specifies that the property’s value must be given a value before it can be stored to disk. For an XML-enabled class, specifies that the element to which the property is mapped is required.
  • ServerOnly – Specifies whether this property is projected to a Java client.
  • SqlColumnNumber – Specifies the SQL column number for this property. Applies only to persistent classes.
  • SqlComputeCode – Specifies code that sets the value of this property.
  • SqlComputed – Specifies whether that this is a computed property.
  • SqlComputeOnChange – This keyword controls when the property is recomputed. Applies only to triggered computed properties.
  • SqlFieldName – Specifies the field name to use in the SQL projection. Applies to persistent classes.
  • SqlListDelimiter – Specifies the delimiter character used within SQL for lists. Applies to list properties in persistent classes. For use only by legacy applications.
  • SqlListType – Specifies the values of this field are represented in memory in SQL and stored on disk. Applies only to list properties in persistent classes. For use only by legacy applications.
  • Transient – Specifies whether the property is stored in the database. Applies only to persistent classes.
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