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Add the License Key to the External Storage Location

Add the License Key to the External Storage Location

Like any InterSystems IRIS instance, an instance running in a container requires a license key (typically called iris.key).

The InterSystems IRIS Community Edition image available from the ICR or Docker Hub (described in the previous section) comes with a free built-in temporary license. Generally, however, license keys are not and cannot be included in an InterSystems IRIS container image, but instead must be copied into a container after it is started to be activated for the InterSystems IRIS instance running there. The iris-mainOpens in a new tab program provides an option for this, but it requires you to place the license key in a storage location to be mounted as an external volume; instructions for using it are provided in the next section. To learn more about license keys for InterSystems IRIS containers, see License Keys for InterSystems IRIS ContainersOpens in a new tab.

Copy your InterSystems IRIS license key file, iris.key, to the external storage location.

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