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Class IRISIterator

Class IRISIterator

Class IRISIterator is a member of com.intersystems.jdbc (the InterSystems JDBC driver) and implements java.util.Iterator.

IRISIterator has no public constructors. Instances of IRISIterator are created by calling jdbc.IRIS.getIRISIterator(). See “Iterating Over a Set of Child Nodes” for more information and examples.

IRISIterator Method Details


jdbc.IRISIterator.getSubscriptValue() gets the lowest level subscript for the node at the current iterator position. For example, if the iterator points to node ^myGlobal(23,"somenode"), the returned value will be "somenode".

Throws IllegalStateException if remove() has been called on the current node with this iterator, or there is no last element returned by this iterator (i.e. no successful next() or previous() calls).

String getSubscriptValue() throws IllegalStateException

jdbc.IRISIterator.getValue() gets the value of the node at the current iterator position. Throws IllegalStateException if remove() has been called on the current node with this iterator, or there is no last element returned by this iterator (i.e. no successful next() or previous() calls).

Object getValue() throws IllegalStateException

jdbc.IRISIterator.hasNext() returns true if the iteration has more elements. (In other words, returns true if next() would return an element rather than throwing an exception.)

boolean hasNext()

jdbc.IRISIterator.hasPrevious() returns true if the iteration has a previous element. (In other words, returns true if previous() would return an element rather than throwing an exception.)

boolean hasPrevious()
next() returns the next element in the iteration. Throws NoSuchElementException if the iteration has no more elements

String next() throws NoSuchElementException

jdbc.IRISIterator.previous() returns the previous element in the iteration. Throws NoSuchElementException if the iteration does not have a previous element

String previous() throws NoSuchElementException

jdbc.IRISIterator.remove() removes from the underlying collection the last element returned by this iterator. This method can be called only once per call to next() or previous(). Throws IllegalStateException if remove() has been called on the current node with this iterator, or there is no last element returned by this iterator (i.e. no successful next() or previous() calls).

void remove() throws IllegalStateException

jdbc.IRISIterator.startFrom() sets the iterator's starting position to the specified subscript. The subscript is an arbitrary starting point, and does not have to specify an existing node.

void startFrom(Object subscript)

After calling this method, use next() or previous() to advance the iterator to the next defined sub-node in alphabetic collating sequence. The iterator will not be positioned at a defined sub-node until one of these methods is called. If you call getSubscriptValue() or getValue() before the iterator is advanced, an IllegalStateException will be thrown.

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