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Variants: IrisEvalW, IrisEvalH

int IrisEvalA(IRIS_ASTRP volatile expr)

expr The address of a IRIS_ASTR variable.

Evaluates a string as if it were an InterSystems IRIS expression and places the return value in memory for further processing by IrisType and IrisConvert.

If IrisEvalA completes successfully, it sets a flag that allows calls to IrisType and IrisConvert to complete. These functions are used to process the item returned from IrisEvalA.


The next call to IrisEvalA, IrisExecuteA, or IrisEnd will overwrite the existing return value.

Return Values for IrisEvalA

IRIS_CONBROKEN Connection has been closed due to a serious error condition or RESJOB.
IRIS_ERSYSTEM Either InterSystems IRIS generated a <SYSTEM> error, or if called from a $ZF function, an internal counter may be out of sync.
IRIS_NOCON No connection has been established.
IRIS_STRTOOLONG String is too long.
IRIS_SUCCESS String evaluated successfully.

IrisEvalA can also return any of the InterSystems IRIS error codes.


int rc;
IRIS_ASTR retval;

strcpy(expr.str, "\"Record\"_^Recnum_\" = \"_$$^GetRec(^Recnum)");
expr.len = strlen(expr.str);
rc = IrisEvalA(&expr);
if (rc == IRIS_SUCCESS)
    rc = IrisConvert(IRIS_ASTRING,&retval);

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