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Displaying Measures in a Pivot Table

Displaying Measures in a Pivot Table

By default, the Analyzer displays the count of lowest-level records. For example:

Pivot table with one cell labeled Count; column is labeled All

Within the body of the pivot table, you can instead display one or more measures, quality measures, or plug-in properties, in any combination. Note that you can use measures, quality measures, and plug-in properties (usually referred to as plug-ins) interchangeably. This section uses the generic term measures to refer to all of these items.

To display a measure as a column, drag and drop it into the Measures box or the Columns box. For example:

Measures Pivot Table

Avg Age measure

Avg Test Score measure

one row with two columns: Avg Age and Avg Test Score

Or double-click the measure in the Model Contents pane.

Or drag and drop a measure to the Rows box, as discussed earlier. Note that if you display a measure as a row and another measure as a column, the system displays only the value of the measure that is used as a column.

The following subsections discuss additional topics:

Pivot Tables with One Measure

To display measures as columns, you can drag and drop them to the Measures box or to the Columns box. If the pivot table has multiple measures, the resulting pivot table (and underlying MDX query) is identical with either technique. If the pivot table has only a single measure, however, the two techniques generate slightly different MDX queries:

Technique Comments
Drag and drop the measure to the Measures box The underlying MDX query uses the measure in its filter clause. This means that this pivot table cannot be displayed in a scorecard (on a dashboard).
Drag and drop the measure to the Columns box The underlying MDX query uses the measure as a column. This pivot table can be displayed in a scorecard.

Pivot Tables with Multiple Measures

If you drag and drop multiple measures to the Measures box, you can specify whether the measures are used as columns (as in the default case) or as rows. To do so, click the Options button in the Measures box. The system displays a dialog box; for this discussion, use the options in the section Place measures on. Choose one of the following:

  • Rows — Displays the measures as rows.

  • Columns — Displays the measures as columns.

Then click OK.

This option makes it easier to redefine complex pivot tables, because you can rearrange the Rows box or Columns box and leave the measures alone.

For example, consider the following pivot table definition:

Rows=Decade,Columns=Gender,Measures=Patient Count, Avg Allergy Count

By default, the measures are used as columns (nested within the elements listed in the Columns box), as in the following example:

Rows=decades;columns=the two measures shown separately for females and males

If you instead use the option to display the measures as rows, the pivot table looks like this:

female & male columns;rows have measure values by decade, with decade as outer row grouping

This pivot table is equivalent to one defined as follows:

Rows=Decade with 2 measures below & to the right; Columns=Gender

Controlling the Display of the Measure Headings

By default, when a pivot table displays a level on columns and displays measures, the pivot table may or may not include a heading for the measures, as follows:

  • If the pivot table has only one measure, the measure name is not shown. For example:

  • If the pivot table has multiple measures, the measure names are shown. For example:

You can control this behavior. To do so, click the Options button in the Measures box. The system displays a dialog box; for this discussion, use the options in the section Display measure headers. Choose one of the following options:

  • If More Than 1 Measure — The system displays the measure name if there is more than one measure, but does not display the name if there is only one measure.

  • Always — The system always displays the measure name.

  • Never — The system never displays the measure name.

These options apply only when the pivot table also displays another item on columns, as in the examples shown here.

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