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Adding the All Member as a Summary Row or Column

Adding the All Member as a Summary Row or Column

Your cube may include one or more All members. Each dimension can contain a All member, which is listed within the dimension, in the Model Contents pane, before any levels. For example:

AgeD dimension expanded to show All Patients member as well as levels in this dimension

An All member represents all records and is typically named something like All Ages or All Categories. Or, as in the example shown here, the All member might have a truly generic name.

You can drag and drop this member to Rows or Columns to add it as a summary row or column. For example:

All Patients member used as row shows patient count, avg age, avg allergy count

In contrast to using the pivot options, this approach allows each measure to be aggregated in a different manner. The Patient Count measure is summed, and the Avg Age and Avg Allergy Count measures are averaged.

If you do not have any All members, you can add a custom aggregation.

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