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Adding a Summary Row or Column as a Pivot Option

Adding a Summary Row or Column as a Pivot Option

To add a summary row, summary column, or both:

  1. Click the Pivot Options button .

    The Analyzer displays the Pivot Options page, which is discussed in detail later in this book.

    This procedure discusses only the Summary option.

  2. Click the Summary check box.

  3. Select a summary option from the drop-down list. The options are as follows:

    • Sum — Displays the sum of the values.

    • Count — Displays the count of rows.

    • Max — Displays the maximum of the values.

    • Min — Displays the minimum of the values.

    • Average — Displays the average of the values.

    • % of Total — Displays the sum of the values of this column (or row), as a percentage of the sums of all columns (or rows).

    For information on overriding how the summary is computed for a given measure, see Specifying Alternative Aggregation Methods for a Measure.

  4. (For summary rows only) Optionally, to cause the summary row to summarize all rows (including rows on later pages), select All Rows from the second drop-down list.

For example, the following pivot table includes a total row. Notice that it displays the total only for numeric values:

The following example shows % of Total, which is useful primarily when you use a level in Columns:

Female column=50.79% of total, male column=49.21%

In contrast to the other forms of summaries, note the following:

  • If you display the pivot table as a chart, the chart does not include the summary row or column.

  • If you export to Excel, the summary is included only if it is a sum.

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