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Saving a Pivot Table

Saving a Pivot Table

To save a pivot table, do one of the following:

  • Click Save. The Analyzer saves the pivot table immediately, if you have specified a name for it; otherwise, the Analyzer prompts you as if you had selected Menu > Save With Options.

  • Click Menu > Save. The Analyzer saves the pivot table immediately, if you have specified a name for it; otherwise, the Analyzer prompts you as if you had selected Menu > Save With Options.

  • Click Menu > Save With Options. The Analyzer displays a dialog box with the same options that are available for a new pivot table; see Creating a Pivot Table.

    If you specify a new folder or a new name, the Analyzer creates a copy of the original pivot table and saves it to this new name.

    Then click OK.

    If the pivot table already exists, the system prompts you for confirmation that you want to overwrite it.

Or click Save As to make a copy of the pivot table. The Analyzer prompts you for a new name.

To check whether or not a pivot table has unsaved changes, check its name in the upper left corner of the Analyzer banner. An asterisk by the pivot table name indicates unsaved changes, and will disappear after saving.

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