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Higher Levels and a Cube Dimension

Higher Levels and a Cube Dimension

For now, we consider only dimensions that contain a single hierarchy.

For any dimension, only the lowest level is represented directly on the corresponding cube axis.

For example, the following figure shows all the levels of the HomeD dimension:

generated description: cube w hierarchy

Notice that the HomeD axis includes only the leaf members of this dimension — that is, only the members of its lowest level. The higher levels consist of combinations of lower members. For example, each member of the ZIP level consists of one or more members of the City dimension.

Now consider the following query:

                              Female                 Male
1 32006                        1,120                1,062
2 32007                          536                  540
3 34577                        1,703                1,609
4 36711                          625                  560
5 38928                        1,114                1,131

For this query, the system finds the relevant tuples of the cube and obtains their values.

For example, the first tuple is (homed.[32006],gend.female,measures.[%COUNT]). The member 32006 consists of the cities Juniper and Spruce. This means that the tuple (homed.[32006],gend.female,measures.[%COUNT]) consists of the combination of the following tuples:

  • (homed.[juniper],gend.female,measures.[%COUNT])

  • (homed.[spruce],gend.female,measures.[%COUNT])

These tuples have the values 570 and 550, respectively. The %COUNT measure is aggregated by adding, so the value for (homed.[32006],gend.female,measures.[%COUNT]) is 1120.

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