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Introduction to Cubes

Introduction to Cubes

A cube is an n-dimensional structure that contains one axis (or edge) for each dimension. The cells of this cube are tuples. An MDX query retrieves specific tuples from the cube.

It is useful to visualize this cube, at least in simple cases. The DemoMDX cube has 10 dimensions (including the Measures dimension). For the sake of simplicity, the following figure shows three of those dimensions (HomeD, GenD, and Measures). Note that only three measures are actually shown.

Each axis of the cube is divided into segments, with one segment for each of the lowest-level members of the corresponding dimension. For the HomeD axis, these segments are the members of the City level.

Each cell in the cube is a fully qualified tuple. Each tuple has a value, as shown in the figure.

An MDX query is a request for a set of tuples, each of which has a value. Consider the following query:

                              Female                 Male
1 Cedar Falls                    569                  571
2 Centerville                    625                  560
3 Cypress                        575                  543
4 Elm Heights                    545                  560
5 Juniper                        570                  546
6 Magnolia                       566                  503
7 Pine                           562                  563
8 Redwood                        536                  540
9 Spruce                         550                  516

For this query, the system finds the relevant tuples in the cube and obtains their values. For example, the first tuple is (homed.[cedar falls],gend.female,measures.[%COUNT]). The value of this tuple is 569.

Each measure that is aggregated by addition (such as Age) is contained directly in the cube. For other measures, MDX uses values from the cube and aggregates them as specified in the measure definition.

For example, the Avg Age measure is not contained directly in the cube, but the Age measure is; the Age measure contains the cumulative age of all the patients represented in a tuple. To calculate the Avg Age measure, MDX divides Age by %COUNT. Consider the following query:

SELECT CROSSJOIN(MEASURES.[avg age],gend.gender.MEMBERS) ON 0, ON 1 FROM demomdx
                              Female                 Male
1 Cedar Falls                  36.90                34.56
2 Centerville                  35.98                34.68
3 Cypress                      37.02                33.55
4 Elm Heights                  36.87                34.05
5 Juniper                      38.09                34.26
6 Magnolia                     35.64                35.03
7 Pine                         36.64                33.38
8 Redwood                      36.70                36.52
9 Spruce                       37.90                32.93

In this example, the second tuple is (homed.[cedar falls],gend.male,measures.[avg age]). To obtain this value, MDX divides the value of (homed.[cedar falls],gend.male,measures.[age]) by the value of (homed.[cedar falls],gend.male,measures.[%COUNT]) — 19734 divided by 571 is 34.56, as shown in the preceding results.

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