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Query Statistics

Query Statistics

If you execute a query programmatically (as described in Executing Business Intelligence Queries Programmatically), you can call the %PrintStatistics() method of your result set. For example:

SAMPLES>do rs1.%PrintStatistics()
Query Statistics:
 Results Cache:                        0
 Query Tasks:                          1
 Computations:                        15
 Cache Hits:                           0
 Cells:                               10
 Slices:                               0
 Expressions:                          0
 Prepare:                          0.874 ms
 Execute Axes:                   145.762 ms
  Columns:                         0.385 ms
  Rows:                          144.768 ms
   Members:                      134.157 ms
 Execute Cells:                    6.600 ms
 Consolidate:                      1.625 ms
 Total Time:                     154.861 ms
ResultSet Statistics:
 Cells:                                0
 Parse:                            3.652 ms
 Display:                          0.000 ms
 Total Time:                       3.652 ms

The values shown here are as follows:

  • Query Statistics — This group of statistics gives information about the query, which returned a result set. It does not include information on what was done to use that result set.

    • Results Cache is 1 if the results cache was used or is 0 otherwise.

    • Query Tasks counts the number of tasks into which this query was divided.

    • Computations indicates how much time was spent performing intermediate computations such as aggregating a measure according to its aggregation option. It does not include evaluating MDX expressions.

    • Cache Hits counts the number of times an intermediate cache was used.

    • Cells counts all the cells of the result set as well as any intermediate cells that were computed.

    • Slices counts the number of cube slices in the query. This count indicates the number of items on the WHERE clause.

    • Expressions indicates how much time was spent evaluating MDX expressions.

      When the cache is used, Computations, Cache Hits, Cells, and Expressions are all zero.

    • Prepare, Execute Axes, Execute Cells, and Consolidate indicate how long different parts of the query processing took place. These parts are listed in order.

    • Total Time is the sum of those parts.

      When the cache is used, Execute Cells and Consolidate are both zero, because those parts of the processing are not performed.

  • ResultSet Statistics — This group of statistics gives information about what was done to use the result set after it was returned by the result set. The values are as follows:

    • Cells counts the number of cells in the result set.

    • Parse indicates how long it took to parse the result set.

    • Display indicates how long it took to display it.

    • Total Time is the sum of those times.

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