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The following shows a simple example:

Class BI.Model.Custom.MyPortlet Extends %DeepSee.Component.Portlet.abstractPortlet

/// Static HTML display method: draw the BODY of this component as HTML.
Method %DrawHTML()
  &html<<div class="portletDiv" style="overflow:hidden;">>
  &html<<div style="font-size:16px; border-bottom:1px solid gray;">My Widget</div>>
  Set tInfo(1) = $LB("Sales","UP","12")
  Set tInfo(2) = $LB("Costs","DOWN","-8")
  Set tInfo(3) = $LB("Profits","UP","18")

  &html<<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" border="0">>
  Set n = $O(tInfo(""))
  While (n'="") {
    Set tName = $LG(tInfo(n),1)
    Set tDir = $LG(tInfo(n),2)
    Set tPct = $LG(tInfo(n),3)
    Set clr = $S(tPct<0:"red",1:"black")
    Set bg = $S(n#2:"#FFEEEE",1:"white")
    Set tPct = tPct _ "%"
    &html<<tr style="font-size:24px; background:#(bg)#;color:#(clr)#;">
      <td style="padding:4px;">#(tName)#</td>
      <td style="padding:4px;">#(tDir)#</td>
      <td style="padding:4px;text-align:right;">#(tPct)#</td></tr>>
    Set n = $O(tInfo(n))


When used as a widget, the widget has the following contents:

A widget called My Widget, with three rows, showing Sales are up 12%, Costs are down 8%, and Profits are up 18%.

This example displays static data, but your portlet could display real-time data.

For a more complex example that also defines settings, see the sample class BI.Model.PortletDemo.ClockPortlet.

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