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Hierarchies and Dimensions

Hierarchies and Dimensions

In Business Intelligence, levels belong to hierarchies, which belong to dimensions. Hierarchies and dimensions provide additional features beyond those provided by levels.

Hierarchies are a natural and convenient way to organize data, particularly in space and time. For example, you can group cities into postal codes, and postal codes into countries.

There are three practical reasons to define hierarchies in Business Intelligence:

  • The system has optimizations that make use of them. For example, if you are displaying periods (year plus month) as rows or columns, and you then filter to a specific year, the query runs more quickly if your model defines years as the parent of periods.

  • You can use hierarchies within a pivot table as follows: If you double-click a member of a level, the system performs a drilldown to show the child members of that member, if any. For example, if you double-click a year, the system drills down to the periods within that year; for details, see Using the Analyzer.

  • MDX provides functions that enable you to work with hierarchies. For example, you can query for the child postal codes of a given country, or query for the other postal codes in the same country.

    You can use these functions in handwritten queries; the Analyzer does not provide a way to create such queries via drag and drop.

A dimension contains one or more parent-child hierarchies that organize the records in a similar manner; for example, a single dimension might contain multiple hierarchies related to allergies. There is no formal relationship between two different hierarchies or between the levels of one hierarchy and the levels of another hierarchy. The practical purpose of a dimension is to define the default behavior of the levels that it contains — specifically the All level, which is discussed in the next subsection.

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