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Subject Areas

Subject Areas

A subject area is a subcube with optional overrides to names of items. You define a subject area to enable users to focus on smaller sets of data without having to build multiple cubes. In a subject area, you can do the following:

  • Specify a filter that restricts the data available in the subject area. For information on filters, see the next section.

    You can hardcode this filter, or you specify it programmatically, which means that you can specify it based on the $roles of the user, for example.

  • Hide elements defined in the cube so that the Analyzer displays a subset of them.

  • Define new names, captions, and descriptions for the visible elements.

  • Specify the default listing for the subject area.

  • Redefine or hide listings defined in the cube.

  • Define new listings.

You can then use the subject area in all the same places where you can use a cube. For example, you can use it in the Analyzer, and you can execute MDX queries on it in the shell or via the API.

See Defining Subject Areas.

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