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Suppressing Persistent Messages in Pass-through Services and Operations

Suppressing Persistent Messages in Pass-through Services and Operations

To obtain maximum efficiency using pass-through services and operations, you can suppress the use of persistent messages. The pass-through service sends the call directly to the pass-through operation without creating a persistent message. The operation sends the reply message to the service in the same way. This allows you to achieve high throughput levels and eliminates the need to purge messages, but has the following limitations:

  • No persisted record of the pass-through call is maintained. You cannot view the message in the message viewer or view a message trace. This makes it challenging to troubleshoot problems.

  • No retry mechanism is available. If the first attempt to contact the server fails, the failure is returned to the application calling the pass-through service.

  • This mode is available only if a pass-through service targets a pass-through operation directly. If the message passes through any other production component, such as a business process router, then persisted messages are used throughout the process.

To suppress the use of persistent messages for a pass-through service and pass-through operation pair, choose one of the specialized classes for the pass-through operation:

In addition, to suppress persistent messages, you must clear the Persist Messages Sent InProc check box in the pass-through business service configuration.

If the pass-through service is using the standard Web port, you can further improve efficiency by configuring the service to keep the TCP connection open between calls. To do this, in the pass-through service configuration, check the Keep Standard Request Partition check box.

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