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Specifies the character set of the input file. InterSystems IRIS automatically translates the characters from this character encoding. The setting value is not case-sensitive. Use Binary for binary files, or for any data in which newline and line feed characters are distinct or must remain unchanged, for example in HL7 Version 2 or EDI messages. Other settings may be useful when transferring text documents. Choices include:

  • Binary—Binary transfer (the default for the FTP adapters)

  • Ascii—Ascii mode FTP transfer but no character encoding translation

  • Default—The default character encoding of the local InterSystems IRIS server

  • Latin1—The ISO Latin1 8-bit encoding

  • ISO-8859-1—The ISO Latin1 8-bit encoding

  • UTF-8—The Unicode 8-bit encoding

  • UCS2—The Unicode 16-bit encoding

  • UCS2-BE—The Unicode 16-bit encoding (Big-Endian)

  • Any other alias from an international character encoding standard for which NLS (National Language Support) is installed in InterSystems IRIS

  • @TranslationTable, where TranslationTable is the name of a translation table (in this case InterSystems IRIS uses the given translation table)

For information on character sets and translation tables, see Translation Tables.

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