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Enabling %ETN Logging

Enabling %ETN Logging

The Event Log automatically includes partial information about system-level exceptions (including exceptions in your code). These Event Log entries end as follows by default:

-- logged as '-' number - @' quit arg1/arg2 }'

To get more complete information about such errors:

  1. Set the ^Ens.Debug("LogETN") global node to any value.

    This causes InterSystems IRIS to record additional details for system-level exceptions.

  2. Rerun the code that you think caused the exception (for example, resend messages).

  3. Recheck the Event Log, which now contains entries that end as follows:

    -- logged as '25 Sep 2012' number 15 @' quit arg1/arg2 }'

    This information refers to an entry in the Application Error Log—specifically it refers to error 15 in the Application Error Log for 25 September 2012.

  4. Then to examine these exceptions, you can either:

    • Select System Operation > System Logs > Application Error Log.

    • Use the ^%ERN routine. For details, see Other Debugging Tools.

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