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Introduction to Managing Productions

Introduction to Managing Productions

The process of managing InterSystems IRIS includes the following tasks, all described in this book.

  • Purging old data that is no longer needed.

    InterSystems IRIS stores messages, Event Log entries, business rule log entries, and other historical data. It is generally necessary to purge old data periodically. For guidance, see Purging Data.

  • Enabling or disabling the auto-start option for productions. This option causes a production to start automatically when InterSystems IRIS starts, and to shut down when InterSystems IRIS is stopped.

  • Creating and maintaining workflow roles and users, if any productions use the InterSystems IRIS workflow engine.

    It is also possible for supervisors (with sufficient permissions) to assign or cancel workflow tasks.

  • Using the Archive Manager, which can archive messages to a separate archive. A newer, preferred option is to use the Enterprise Message Bank, which enables you to archive messages from multiple productions. See Using the Enterprise Message Bank.

  • Defining publish and subscribe message delivery.

For information on monitoring the productions — viewing message queues, viewing the Event Log, and examining other such data, see Monitoring Productions.

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