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The following example uses the ExecuteUpdate() method:

/// Insert into NewCustomer table
Method Insert(pReq As ESQL.request,
   Output pResp As ESQL.response1) As %Status
 kill pResp
 set pResp=$$$NULLOREF

 set sql="insert into NewCustomer (Name,SSN,City) values (?,?,?)"

 //perform the Insert
 set tSC = ..Adapter.ExecuteUpdate(.nrows,sql,pReq.Name,pReq.SSN,pReq.City)

 //create the response message
 set pResp=##class(ESQL.response1).%New()
 set pResp.AffectedRows=nrows

 if 'tSC write " failed ",tSC quit tSC
 quit 1

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