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Checking Data on Async Members

Checking Data on Async Members

When mirror-based DataCheck is checking between a failover member and an async member, the async member is typically the destination. This is for the same reasons mentioned above (see Checking Data Between Failover Members) in regards to checking between failover members, but primarily because the results of the check should be stored on the async member during disaster recovery.

When there are two failover members, it is often desirable to create one DataCheck destination configuration on an async member for each of the two failover members as sources. The ^DATACHECK routine offers to create both for you, and offers settings for how they behave with respect to which of the two is the primary failover member.

Each DataCheck configuration has a setting to govern how it behaves based on the source failover member’s status as the primary member. The settings are:

  • No restriction

    Checking both without restriction (the default) is desirable because it uses the async member as an agent to check both failover members without needing to run DataCheck between the failover members.

  • Check primary only (pause until DataCheck source is primary)

    Checking against the primary only is desirable because the primary is the true source of the data for this async member.

  • Do not check primary (pause when DataCheck source is primary)

    Checking against the backup is desirable because it does not consume resources on the production primary system.


For information about reconnecting after a pause, see Starting/Stopping/Reconnecting DataCheck.

For DataCheck configurations that are run manually (on demand) by a system administrator, these settings may not be of particular importance; they are more important for DataCheck configurations that are run continuously (or nearly so).

Any member may check another member without any particular relation. For example, if an async member is being used to check both failover members, it could also be used as the source of a check for other async members, thus avoiding the need to have any other async members check against the failover members.

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