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^PROFILE Example

^PROFILE Example

Following is an example of running the ^PROFILE utility interactively (from the %SYS namespace) in the Terminal:

  1. Enter the following command:

    do ^PROFILE
  2. The following message appears.

    WARNING: This routine will start a system-wide collection of
    data on routine activity and then display the results. There
    may be some overhead associated with the initial collection,
    and it could significantly affect a busy system.
    The second phase of collecting line level detail activity
    has high overhead and should ONLY BE RUN ON A TEST SYSTEM!
    Are you ready to start the collection?  Yes =>
  3. Press Enter to start collecting metrics. Metrics similar to the following are displayed:

     Waiting for initial data collection ...
          RtnLine     Time        CPU         RtnLoad     GloRef      GloSet
    1.    41.48%      12.19%      0.00%       28.97%      10.65%      0.00%
          %Library.ResultSet.1.INT (IRISLIB)
    2.    35.09%      56.16%      65.22%      9.35%       36.77%      42.55%
          SYS.Database.1.INT (IRISSYS)
    3.    10.75%      6.62%       0.00%       43.30%      22.68%      46.81%
          Config.Databases.1.INT (IRISSYS)
    4.    7.13%       3.22%       0.00%       6.23%       0.00%       0.00%
          %Library.Persistent.1.INT (IRISLIB)
    5.    1.26%       0.71%       0.00%       4.36%       4.12%       4.26%
    6.    1.20%       0.00%       0.00%       0.00%       5.15%       6.38%
          %SYS.WorkQueueMgr.INT (IRISSYS)
    7.    0.76%       15.08%      34.78%      0.00%       0.00%       0.00%
          %SYS.API.INT (IRISSYS)
    8.    0.64%       1.05%       0.00%       0.00%       17.18%      0.00%
          %Library.JournalState.1.INT (IRISLIB)
    9.    0.61%       0.31%       0.00%       3.74%       0.00%       0.00%
          %Library.IResultSet.1.INT (IRISLIB)
    10.   0.28%       0.93%       0.00%       0.00%       1.72%       0.00%
          %Library.Device.1.INT (IRISLIB)
    11.   0.24%       0.71%       0.00%       0.62%       0.00%       0.00%
          Config.CPF.1.INT (IRISSYS)
    Select routine(s) or '?' for more options  N =>
  4. Enter the number(s) associated with the routines you want to analyze in more detail. For example, enter 2–3,5,7,10, then enter N or B to display other pages so that you can select additional routines.

  5. After you select all the routines you want to analyze, enter Q to display a message similar to the following:

    There are 2 routines selected for detailed profiling. You may now
    end the routine level collection and start a detailed profiler collection.
    WARNING !!
    This will have each process on the system gather subroutine level and line
    level activity on these routines. Note that this part of the collection may
    have a significant effect on performance and should only be run in a test
    or development instance.
    Are you ready to start the detailed collection?  Yes =>
  6. After you press Enter, a page similar to the following is displayed:

    Stopping the routine level Profile collection ...
    Loading ^%Library.Persistent.1 in ^^c:\intersystems\iris\mgr\irislib\
    Detail level Profile collection started.
        RtnLine     Routine Name  (Database)
    1.  96.72%      %Library.Persistent.1.INT (IRISLIB)
    2.  3.28%       Config.CPF.1.INT (IRISSYS)
    Select routine to see details or '?' for more options  R =>
  7. After you select the routine whose code you want to analyze, the routine displays a page with information about the code.

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