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Controlling Flow

Controlling Flow

In order to establish the logic of any code, there must be flow control; conditional executing or bypassing blocks of code, or repeatedly executing a block of code. To that end, ObjectScript supports the following commands:

Conditional Execution

To conditionally execute a block of code, based on boolean (true/false) test, you can use the IF command. (You can perform conditional execution of individual ObjectScript commands by using a postconditional expression.)

IF takes an expression as an argument and evaluates that expression as true or false. If true, then the block of code that follows the expression is executed; if false, the block of code is not executed. Most commonly these are represented by 1 and 0, which are the recommended values. However, InterSystems IRIS performs conditional execution on any value, evaluating it as False if it evaluates to 0 (zero), and True if it evaluates to a nonzero value. For further details, see Operators and Expressions.

You can specify multiple IF boolean test expressions as a comma-separated list. These tests are evaluated in left-to-right order as a series of logical AND tests. Therefore, an IF evaluates as true when all of its test expressions evaluate as true. An IF evaluates as false when the one of its test expressions evaluates as false; the remaining test expressions are not evaluated.

The code usually appears in a code block containing multiple commands. Code blocks are simply one or more lines of code contained in curly braces; there can be line breaks before and within the code blocks. Consider the following:


The IF construct allows you to evaluate multiple conditions, and to specify what code is run based on the conditions. A construct, as opposed to a simple command, consists of a combination of one or more command keywords, their conditional expressions and code blocks. The IF construct consists of:

  • One IF clause with one or more conditional expressions.

  • Any number of ELSEIF clauses, each with one or more conditional expressions. The ELSEIF clause optional; there can be more than one ELSEIF clause.

  • At most one ELSE clause, with no conditional expression. The ELSE clause is optional.

The following is an example of the IF construct:

 READ "Enter the number of equal-length sides in the polygon: ",x
   IF x=1 {WRITE !,"It's so far away that it looks like a point"} 
   ELSEIF x=2 {WRITE !,"I think that's a line, not a polygon"}
   ELSEIF x=3 {WRITE !,"It's an equalateral triangle"}
   ELSEIF x=4 {WRITE !,"It's a square"}
   ELSE {WRITE !,"It's a polygon with ",x," number of sides" }
 WRITE !,"Finished the IF test"

For further details, refer to the reference for IF.


You use the FOR construct to repeat sections of code. You can create a FOR loop based on numeric or string values.

Typically, FOR executes a code block zero or more times based on the value of a numeric control variable that is incremented or decremented at the beginning of each loop through the code. When the control variable reaches its end value, control exits the FOR loop; if there is no end value, the loop executes until it encounters a QUIT command. When control exits the loop, the control variable maintains its value from the last loop executed.

The form of a numeric FOR loop is:

 FOR ControlVariable = StartValue:IncrementAmount:EndValue {
         // code block content

All values can be positive or negative; spaces are permitted but not required around the equals sign and the colons. The code block following the FOR will repeat for each value assigned to the variable.

For example, the following FOR loop will execute five times:

 WRITE "The first five multiples of 3 are:",!
 FOR multiple = 3:3:15 {
    WRITE multiple,!

You can also use a variable to determine the end value. In the example below, a variable specifies how many iterations of the loop occur:

 SET howmany = 4
 WRITE "The first ",howmany," multiples of 3 are "
 FOR multiple = 1:1:howmany {
     WRITE (multiple*3),", "
     IF multiple = (howmany - 1) {
         WRITE "and "
     IF multiple = howmany {
         WRITE "and that's it!"

Because this example uses multiple, the control variable, to determine the multiples of 3, it displays the expression multiple*3. It also uses the IF command to insert and before the last multiple.


The IF command in this example provides an excellent example of the implications of order of precedence in ObjectScript (order of precedence is always left to right with no hierarchy among operators). If the IF expression were simply multiple = howmany - 1, without any parentheses or parenthesized as a whole, then the first part of the expression, multiple = howmany, would be evaluated to its value of False (0); the expression as a whole would then be equal to 0 - 1, which is -1, which means that the expression will evaluate as true (and insert and for every case except the final iteration through the loop).

The argument of FOR can also be a variable set to a list of values; in this case, the code block will repeat for each item in the list assigned to the variable.

 FOR item = "A", "B", "C", "D" {
    WRITE !, "Now examining item: "_item

You can specify the numeric form of FOR without an ending value by placing a QUIT within the code block that triggers under particular circumstances and thereby terminates the FOR. This approach provides a counter of how many iterations have occurred and allows you to control the FOR using a condition that is not based on the counter’s value. For example, the following loop uses its counter to inform the user how many guesses were made:

    FOR i = 1:1 {
    READ !, "Capital of MA? ", a
    IF a = "Boston" {
        WRITE "...did it in ", i, " tries"

If you have no need for a counter, you can use the argumentless FOR:

    FOR  {
        READ !, "Know what? ", wh
        QUIT:(wh = "No!")
        WRITE "   That's what!"

For further details, see FOR.


Two related flow control commands are WHILE and DO WHILE commands, each of which loops over a code block and terminates based on a condition. The two commands differ in when they evaluate the condition: WHILE evaluates the condition before the entire code block and DO WHILE evaluates the condition after the block. As with FOR, a QUIT within the code block terminates the loop.

The syntax for the two commands is:

 DO {code} WHILE condition
 WHILE condition {code}

The following example displays values in the Fibonacci sequence up to a user-specified value twice — first using DO WHILE and then using WHILE:

fibonacci() PUBLIC { // generate Fibonacci sequences 
    READ !, "Generate Fibonacci sequence up to where? ", upto
    SET t1 = 1, t2 = 1, fib = 1
    WRITE !
    DO {
        WRITE fib,"  "  set fib = t1 + t2, t1 = t2, t2 = fib
    WHILE ( fib '> upto )

    SET t1 = 1, t2 = 1, fib = 1
    WRITE !
    WHILE ( fib '> upto ) {
        WRITE fib,"  " 
        SET fib = t1 + t2, t1 = t2, t2 = fib

The distinction between WHILE, DO WHILE, and FOR is that WHILE necessarily tests the control expression’s value before executing the loop, DO WHILE necessarily tests the value after executing the loop, and FOR can test it anywhere within the loop. This means that if you have two parts to a code block, where execution of the second depends on evaluating the expression, the FOR construct is best suited; otherwise, the choice depends on whether expression evaluation should precede or follow the code block.

For further details, see WHILE and DO WHILE.

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