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The State Directory and State Files

The State Directory and State Files

ICM writes several state files, including logs and generated scripts, to the state subdirectory, for use during the lifetime of the provisioned infrastructure. The state subdirectory is created in the current working directory. by default.

State files generated during provisioning include the Terraform overrides file and state file, terraform.tfvars and terraform.tfstate, as well as Terraform output, error and log files. A set of these Terraform-related files is created in a separate subdirectory for each node type definition in the definitions file, for example:


If you prefer to create your own state directory with a different name or in a different location, you can use the -stateDir command line option with the icm provision command to override the default location, but you must then continue using the -stateDir option to specify that location in all subsequent provisioning commands, for example when you unprovision the infrastructure.


ICM relies on the state files it creates for accurate, up to date information about the infrastructure it has provisioned; without them, the provisioning state may be difficult or impossible to for ICM to reconstruct, resulting in errors, and perhaps even the need for manual intervention. For this reason, InterSystems strongly recommends making sure the state directory is located on storage that is reliable and reliably accessible, with an appropriate backup mechanism in place.

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