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ICM Commands and Options

ICM Commands and Options

The first table that follows lists the commands that can be executed on the ICM command line. Each of the commands is covered in detail in the “Using ICM” chapter.

The second table lists the options that can be used with commands. Command-line options serve two purposes, as follows:

  • To provide required or optional arguments to commands. For example, to list the run state of only the InterSystems IRIS containers in your deployment, you could use this command:

    icm ps -container iris

    To execute a command to open a shell inside the container deployed on node ANDY-DM-TEST, you could use this command:

    icm exec -command bash -machine ANDY-DM-TEST -interactive
  • To override a field’s default or configuration file value, in one of two ways:

    • The -image, –namespace, and -iscpassword options can be used to override the values of the DockerImage, Namespace, and ISCPassword fields, respectively, in any command, including icm provision.

    • Following the provisioning phase, the -overrides option can be used to override the values of one or more fields for the current command only. For example, assume your defaults file includes the following fields:

      "DockerUsername": "prodriguez",
      "DockerPassword": "xxxxxxx",
      "DockerRegistry": "",
      "DockerImage": "",

      When executing the icm provision command you could override the Dockermage field using the -image option, but not to use an image from a different registry, because you could not override the registry location and credentials. In the icm upgrade command, however, you could specify an image from a different registry by using the -overrides option to override all three fields, for example:

      icm upgrade -overrides '{"DockerUsername":"mwyszynska","DockerPassword":"xxxxxx",
        "DockerRegistry":""}' -image

      When -overrides is used with the icm run, icm install, or icm upgrade commands to specify field values that are intended to persist, these should be updated in the instances.json file so they won't be reverted during a subsequent reprovisioning operation. Following the icm upgrade command above, for example, the DockerImage, DockerRegistry, DockerUsername, and DockerPassword fields should be updated in the instances file. (The -image, –namespace, and -iscpassword options automatically do this.)

Both tables include links to relevant text.


The command table does not list every option that can be used with each command, and the option table does not list every command that can include each option.

ICM Commands
Command Description Important Options


Provisions host nodes



Lists provisioned host nodes

-machine, -role, -json, -options


Destroys host nodes

-stateDir, -cleanup, -force
merge Merges infrastructure provisioned in separate regions or provider platforms into a new definitions file for multiregion or multiprovider deployment -options, -localPath


Executes an operating system command on one or more host nodes

-command, -machine, -role


Copies a local file to one or more host nodes

-localPath, -remotePath, -machine, -role


Deploys a container on host nodes

-image, -container, -namespace, -options, -iscPassword, -command, -machine, -role, –override


Displays run states of containers deployed on host nodes

-container, -json


Stops containers on one or more host nodes

-container, -machine, -role


Starts containers on one or more host nodes

-container, -machine, -role


Downloads an image to one or more host nodes

-image, -container, -machine, -role


Deletes containers from one or more host nodes

-container, -machine, -role


Replaces containers on one or more host nodes

-image, -container, -machine, -role, –override


Executes an operating system command in one or more containers

-container, -command, -interactive, -options, -machine, -role


Opens an interactive session for an InterSystems IRIS instance in a container or executes an InterSystems IRIS ObjectScriptScript snippet on one or more instances

-namespace, -command, -interactive, -options, -machine, -role


Copies a local file to one or more containers

-localPath, -remotePath, -machine, -role


Executes a SQL statement on the InterSystems IRIS instance

-namespace, -command, -machine, -role
install Installs InterSystems IRIS instances from a kit in containerless mode -machine, -role, –override
uninstall Uninstalls InterSystems IRIS instances installed from a kit in containerless mode -machine, -role


Executes a Docker command on one or more host nodes

-container, -machine, -role
ICM Command-Line Options
Option Description Default Described in
-help Display command usage information and ICM version   ---
-version Display ICM version   ---
-verbose Show execution detail false (can be used with any command)
-force Don't confirm before unprovisioning false Unprovision the Infrastructure
-cleanUp Delete state directory after unprovisioning false Unprovision the Infrastructure
-machine regexp Machine name pattern match used to specify the node or nodes for which the command is run (all) icm inventory, icm ssh, icm run, icm exec, icm session
-role role Role of the InterSystems IRIS instance or instances for which a command is run, for example DATA or AM (all) icm inventory, icm ssh, icm run, icm exec, icm session
-namespace namespace Namespace to create on deployed InterSystems IRIS instances and set as default execution namespace for the session and sql commands IRISCLUSTER The Definitions File, icm run, icm session, icm sql
-image image Docker image to deploy; must include repository name DockerImage value in definitions file icm run, icm upgrade
-override '{"field":"value",...} Field value(s) to override for this command. none ICM Commands and Options
-options options Docker options to include in the command none icm inventory, icm run, icm exec, icm session, Deploying Across Multiple Regions or Providers, Using ICM with Custom and Third-Party Containers
-container name Name of the container icm ps command: (all)

other commands: iris

icm run, icm ps
-command cmd Command or query to execute none icm ssh, icm run, icm exec, icm session, icm sql
-interactive Redirect input/output to console for the exec and ssh commands false icm ssh, icm exec, icm sql


-localPath path File or directory path on a node’s local file system (icm cp) or within the ICM container (icm scp) none icm cp, icm scp, Containerless Deployment, Remote Script Invocation
-remotePath path File or directory path within a container (icm cp) or on a node’s local file system (icm scp) /home/SSHUser (value of SSHUser field) icm cp, icm scp, Containerless Deployment, Remote Script Invocation
-iscPassword password Password for deployed InterSystems IRIS instances iscPassword value in configuration file icm run
-json Enable JSON response mode false Using JSON Mode

Use of the -verbose option, which is intended for debugging purposes only, may expose the value of iscPassword and other sensitive information, such as DockerPassword. When you use this option, you must either use the -force option as well or confirm that you want to use verbose mode before continuing.

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