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Using JSON Literal Constructors

Using JSON Literal Constructors

Dynamic entities are instances of %DynamicObjectOpens in a new tab or %DynamicArrayOpens in a new tab, which are designed to integrate JSON data manipulation seamlessly into ObjectScript applications. Although you can create instances of these classes with the standard %New() method, dynamic entities support a much more flexible and intuitive set of constructors. JSON literal constructors allow you to create dynamic entities by directly assigning a JSON string to a variable. For example, the following code creates empty instances of %DynamicObjectOpens in a new tab and %DynamicArrayOpens in a new tab:

   set dynamicObject = {}
   set dynamicArray = []
   write dynamicObject,!,dynamicArray


Unlike the %New() constructor, literal constructors {} and [] can accept a string in JSON format as an argument. For example, the following code creates a dynamic object with a property named prop1:

   set dynamicObject = {"prop1":"a string value"}
   write dynamicObject.prop1

a string value

In fact, JSON literal constructors {} and [] can be used to specify any valid JSON array or object structure. In simple terms, any valid JSON literal string is also a valid ObjectScript expression that evaluates to a dynamic entity.

JSON property names must always be quoted

The JSON language specification (see in a new tab) is a subset of JavaScript Object Notation, and enforces stricter rules in some areas. One important difference is that the JSON specification requires all property names to be enclosed in double-quotes. JavaScript syntax, on the other hand, permits unquoted names in many cases.

A dynamic entity stores an exact representation of each object property or array element in the JSON string. Any dynamic entity can use the %ToJSON() method to return the stored data as a JSON string. There is no loss or corruption of data when converting to or from a literal string. The following example creates a dynamic array and then calls %ToJSON() to construct and return a new JSON string representing the stored data:

   set dynamicArray = [[1,2,3],{"A":33,"a":"lower case"},1.23456789012345678901234,true,false,null,0,1,""]
   write dynamicArray.%ToJSON()

[[1,2,3],{"A":33,"a":"lower case"},1.23456789012345678901234,true,false,null,0,1,""]

This dynamic array has stored and returned several significant values:

  • The first two elements are a nested array and a nested object. In JSON syntax, array and object structures can be nested to any depth.

  • Property names are case-sensitive. The nested object has two distinct properties named "A" and "a".

  • The third value is a very high-precision decimal number. This value would have been rounded down if it were stored as a standard floating point number, but the dynamic array has retained an exact representation of the original value.

  • The final six elements contain JSON datatype values true, false, and null, and corresponding ObjectScript values 0, 1, and "". Once again, dynamic entities preserve an exact representation of each value.

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